My most precious first born. All of 22 years today. The wisest soul I’ve known to date. The girl of superlatives…is the best way to describe Sahiti…

She is full of contrasts – Quietest and loudest in turns…..Happiest and saddest in minutes…..

Most intelligent 90% of the time, coming up with the smartest most amazingly wise and truly great solutions to any problem be that her CS assignments, her humanities projects, our life events, her life events, anything….

In contrast, the most stupid, daftest person you can ever come across on certain days….you will be struck completely dumb at how utterly and completely witless she can be,,,she crosses traffic as if all the vehicles will just wait for her to cross…she leaves precious jewellery lying about anywhere and everywhere….

she is truly absent minded about the usual important stuff….her ID cards, her hall tickets, her meals, her travel tickets….:) but we enjoy her days this way….

she makes up for it in many other stellar ways…

My best friend…there are days when we spend quite a lot of time yakking to each other; she is stunningly loyal…i’m humbled by how much she has stood by me through thick and thin…she’s my rock that way..which is truly weird…considering it should be the other way around…me being her mom…

there are days when she truly does not sync at all with the world around her….she never, but never answers her phone…it remains on silent all the time….she hides in an alley in the college library and reads nonstop if she wants to avoid us…

she suddenly drags all of us to icecream in the middle of the night regularly….

she paints heartbreakingly beautifully….check out her FB page…

she has a wall full of quotations in pen in her room….in fact all visitors to her room are made to write out a quotation and sign…most are nervous when they go in….her room is all done in ivory….and a charcoal of Tagore stares down at you; her own sketch….

she reads voraciously…very very good taste….classic stuff and usually Booker award winners, Tolstoy, Tagore, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare are favorites..she scoffs at you if you buy a bad book….

we nearly lost her once at Point Pleasant beach as she walked away looking for sea shells when she was six years old on a busy afternoon; cops went out looking for her….she can really give you the chills if she wants to get absent minded…but then when she wants to be razor sharp…she will code like there is the next smartest gig tumbling out of that brain by just reading online all afresh a new language; and then code- its creepy and it leaves you reeling…

she is a true mixed bag,,,, rarely speaks but when she does its full of loaded information….talks rapidly and at a breakneck pace that you have to run and keep pace with in an intelligent cogent fashion…..she hates a bad brain…but has a lot of patience and takes a lot of trouble to teach you if you can’t keep pace….i remember she taught me the last part of the Interstellar movie as i struggled to understand what a “Tesseract” was in my rudimentary knowledge of physics….even this morning she gave me a quick 9 mins on how to keep a good memory running from a “Method of Loci” TED talk she’d watched recently…

she never….but never…asks you for ANYTHIING…..not food…literally she forgets to eat….not gifts; though she is devilish about opening up others gifts up during bdays and xmas….she is very naughty about such things…she loves to tease….not clothes; she abhors shopping….at the maximum, if you pester her…she will name a book or two she might want….but no rush will be her comment….but if she gets into a mood; she will buy books by the cart; she literally filled a grocery cart full of books at a book fair once and the guy fell off his chair at the cash counter….

and then of course we as parents will stumble all over to get her what she wants….during that rare moment of her indulgence….

i quite enjoy my cutie pie Sahiti….

Many many Happy Returns dearest…..

15 - 33


Sharada Avatar

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2 responses to “Sahiti”

  1. saichintala Avatar

    Awesome write-up and summary of Sahiti. Good tips for her future loved one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sharada Avatar

      Haha Sai….poor guy whoever marries her will have a great journey ahead…


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